

Edition 2022

From 2 to 6 February 2021 in Basel, the 11th Swiss Dance Days had showcased the winning performances selected by the jury from almost 150 entries. Due to the pandemic the Swiss Dance Days of 2021 had to be cancelled, the selection (see archive) was retained and could be shown to a wide audience in 2022. The programme offered a snapshot of dynamic, humorous and powerful physical studies and autobiographical works full of performative joy and the courage to question virtuosity. A special focus is on several powerful works from the younger generation of Swiss choreographers.


Dr. Adriana Almeida Pees, Künstlerische Leiterin und Kuratorin Tanz, Theater Freiburg
Selina Beghetto, Dramaturgin, Luzern
Rares Donca, Leiter L’Abri, Genf
Foofwa d’Imobilité, Choreograf 
Sandro Lunin, Künstlerischer Leiter, Kaserne Basel
Als einziger Künstler der Jury, verfügte Foofwa d’Imobilité über die Möglichkeit, ein eigenes Werk an den Swiss Dance Days zu zeigen.


Junges Theater Basel

Kaserne Basel

ROXY Birsfelden

Neues Theater Dornach

Theater Basel

Vorstadttheater Basel

Final selection

*Melk Prod. / Marco Berrettini

Sorry, do the tour. Again!

Cyril Porchet

Sorry, do the tour. Again! stages a disco dance marathon as a humorous glamour show. Inspired by John Cassavetes’ film Opening Night and the music of his youth, Marco Berrettini explores collective memory and the transience of time. On a stage bathed in shimmering pink light, a process of self-irony unfolds: a continuous, hypnotic parade of numbered dancers assuming various seductive poses – toying with collective myths and idols of the 1970s and 1980s. A spirit of competition, the monotonous work of stage dance, self-image, dreams and expectations: a triumphal, radical form of hyper-realism unfolds on all levels.


As a dancer and choreographer, Marco Berrettini delved into dance when he won the German Disco-Dancing Championship in 1978. Trained at the LCDS, then at the Folkwangschule under Hans Züllig and Pina Bausch, he founded the company Tanzplantation (later *Melk Prod.) in 1986. Today, he has created more than thirty pieces; his work ranges from performances to installations and includes numerous artistic collaborations.


Artistic Direction Marco Berrettini

Choreography and performance Marco Berrettini, Jean-Paul Bourel, Natan Bouzy, Bryan Campbell, Ruth Childs, Simon Crettol, Marion Duval, Bruno Faucher, Chiara Gallerani, Milena Keller and nine little classical ballerinas from 9 to 10 years old from the cities of the shows

Coach and Co-director Chiara Gallerani

Music Sylvester, Michael Jackson, Donna Summer and others

Light, Set Design, Direction Bruno Faucher

Photos Cyril Porchet

Production *Melk Prod. (CH) / Tanzplantation (F)

Coproduction CND – Centre National de la Danse Pantin (F), Arsenic Lausanne (CH), Comédie de Genève (CH), Festival d’Automne à Paris (F), Pôle Sud CDCN – Strasbourg (FR)

Support Pro Helvetia, Corodis, Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles d’Ile-de-France – Ministère de la culture et de la communication.


Kaserne Basel/Reithalle
Klybeckstrasse 1b, 4058 Basel
Google Maps


2.2.2022, 20:00—21:20
Kaserne Basel/Reithalle