

Edition 2022

From 2 to 6 February 2021 in Basel, the 11th Swiss Dance Days had showcased the winning performances selected by the jury from almost 150 entries. Due to the pandemic the Swiss Dance Days of 2021 had to be cancelled, the selection (see archive) was retained and could be shown to a wide audience in 2022. The programme offered a snapshot of dynamic, humorous and powerful physical studies and autobiographical works full of performative joy and the courage to question virtuosity. A special focus is on several powerful works from the younger generation of Swiss choreographers.


Dr. Adriana Almeida Pees, Künstlerische Leiterin und Kuratorin Tanz, Theater Freiburg
Selina Beghetto, Dramaturgin, Luzern
Rares Donca, Leiter L’Abri, Genf
Foofwa d’Imobilité, Choreograf 
Sandro Lunin, Künstlerischer Leiter, Kaserne Basel
Als einziger Künstler der Jury, verfügte Foofwa d’Imobilité über die Möglichkeit, ein eigenes Werk an den Swiss Dance Days zu zeigen.


Junges Theater Basel

Kaserne Basel

ROXY Birsfelden

Neues Theater Dornach

Theater Basel

Vorstadttheater Basel

Final selection

La PP / Romane Peytavin & Pierre Piton

Farewell Body

Gregory Batardon

«Uncanny Valley» is a scientific term from the field of robotics describing the psychological reaction of rejection which humans feel when confronted with androids. The more humanoid a bionic body appears to us, the less we accept faults in its behaviour. Farewell Body, the first choreographic work by Romane Peytavin and Pierre Piton, tries to explore this «uncanny valley»: a physical study which views nature through the looking-glass of artificial mechanics, a metamorphosis which transforms the body into a wonderful machine which feels strangely familiar to us.


Die künstlerische Zusammenarbeit zwischen Romane Peytavin und Pierre Piton, beides Bachelor-Absolventen in zeitgenössischem Tanz an der Manufacture de Lausanne, führte 2018 zur Gründung der Lausanner Compagnie La PP. Beide choreografieren und performen, in der Saison 2018-2019 waren sie associated artists im l'Abri, Genf. In dieser Funktion schufen sie Dédicace am Antigel-Festival und Farewell Body im Arsenic in Lausanne.


Choreography Romane Peytavin, Pierre Piton

Performance Catol Teixeira, Pierre Piton

Music, Light Design & Technical Director Gautier Teuscher

Light Technician Joël Corboz

Scenography Valentin Dubois

Music Gautier Teuscher

Costumes Marie Bajenova

Photographer Gregory Batardon

Video Lucien Monot

Diffusion Ludivine Rodriguez - BravoBravo

Coproduction L’Arsenic, centre d’art scénique contemporain - Lausanne, L’Abri - Geneva

Support Loterie Romande, Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung SIS, Ville de Lausanne


ROXY Birsfelden
Muttenzerstrasse 6, 4127 Birsfelden
Google Maps


2.2.2022, 17:00—17:55
ROXY Birsfelden
3.2.2022, 17:00—17:50
ROXY Birsfelden