

Edition 2017

In the run-up to this celebration of contemporary dance, which is held every two years in a different Swiss city, a jury comprising five leading figures from the world of dance has watched more than 140 productions over the last 12 months. The winning entries will be presented at 12 venues across Geneva, which have joined forces especially for the occasion through the creation of an association and a small team.

In doing so, they, alongside Reso – Dance Network Switzerland, provide a tangible demonstration of their commitment to the art of choreography and dance in Switzerland. The Swiss Dance Days, which are also open to the public, are aimed at professionals ­– journalists, festival directors, programmers – from both Switzerland and abroad.


La Ribot, Mona De Weerdt, Joëlle Smadja, Patrick Müller, Claude Ratzé


adc (Association pour la Danse Contemporaine), Festival Antigel, TU – Théâtre de l’Usine, Théâtre du Loup, Théâtre du Grütli, Théâtre du Galpon, Théâtre Forum Meyrin, Service culturel de Vernier und Reso - Tanznetzwerk Schweiz.

In cooperation with

Théâtre Am Stram Gram, Théâtre Pitoëff, Salle du Faubourg, Palladium, Casino Théâtre, Point favre und Théâtre du Centre des arts de l’Ecole Internationale de Genève.

Media reviews

16.12.16, Le Courrier, La danse en effervescence, Cécile Dalla Torre PDF
16.12.16, Le Courrier, L’histoire continue de s’écrire, Cécile Dalla Torre PDF
22.01.17, Le Matin, La danse à dévorer du regard, Mireille Descombes PDF
25.01.2017, Les, La fluidité du mouvement, Vanesa Dacuña Rodriguez et Anastassia Issakova PDF
25.01.2017,, Espace, chorés et 3D… signés Gilles Jobin PDF
30.01.2017, Tribune de Genève, Genève, plate-forme suisse du mouvement, Katia Berger PDF
1.02.17, Tribune de Genève, Genève, ville de danse !, Jean-François Mabut PDF
2.02.17, Tribune de Genève, Cindy Van Acker brise les digues, Katia Berger PDF
3.02.17, Le Temps, Le grand bal des chorégraphes, Alexandre Demidoff PDF
2.02.17, Le Temps, L’ode maritime sublime de Cindy Van Acker, Alexandre Demidoff PDF
3.02.17, Le Temps, Comment Genève s’est mise à chérir la danse, Alexandre Demidoff PDF
3.02.17, Le Monde, Montée de sève chorégraphique à Genève, Rosita Boisseau PDF
3.02.17, Tribune de Genève, Lea Moro dilate l’instant, Katia Berger PDF
3.02.17, Le Courrier, Gabor Varga. Fonceur sans borne, Cécile Dalla Torre PDF
4.02.17, Le Temps, Video, La danse contemporaine racontée en image, Alexandre Demidoff VIDEO
6.02.17, Tribune de Genève, Huit stations pour un chemin de croix érotique, Katia Berger PDF
7.02.17, Le Courrier, Danser la contestation, Cécile Dalla Torre PDF
6.02.17, SRF 2 Radio, Kultur Kompakt, Maya Künzler, ab Minute 5:26 PODCAST
21.02.17, Danser canal historique, Genève, capitale de danse, Gérard Mayen PDF
22.02.17, Suíça propõe programa de intercâmbio cultural com a América Latina - Cultura - Estadão, Helena Katz PDF
23.02.17, I/O Gazette, La Suisse prend position, Marie Sorbier PDF
6.03.17, ballroom, Voyage en Suisse PDF
7.03.17, SRF Kultur, Journalismus im Wandel - Traumberuf Kritikerin? Nein, danke., Julia Voegelin PODCAST
10.03.17, Magazin tanz, La Ribot & Fleischlin/Meser, Arnd Wesemann PDF
06.04.17, Revista Revol Brazil, Swiss Dance Days 2017, Maria Lavandera, VIDEO
01.05.17, Magazin tanz, Thomas Hauert, Lilo Weber PDF

Final selection

Beatrice Fleischlin and Anja Meser

I just wanna fucking dance oder Begeisterung und Protest

Roberto Conciatori

Duran adam: standing man. That is the moniker that internet users gave to Erdem Gündüz, the choreographer who protested on Taksim Square by remaining completely immobile, his eyes firmly fixed on the statue of the founding fathers of the Turkish Republic. It is his approach to protest that inspired this choreographical study of dissidence. “We were interested in the movements produced by people who are at odds with systems but don’t want to throw stones”, explain the choreographers. Made up of movements lifted from video footage of pacifist gatherings, the piece pays homage to those people who use their mere presence to protest. It is an evening that will see dancers, their faces covered by animal masks or coloured balaclavas, explore the physical potential of non-violent resistance.


Beatrice Fleischlin is a performer and writer who lives and works in Berlin and Zurich. After graduating from Zurich University, she began working with Nicolas Galeazzi and the GASTSTUBE collective, which views the creative process as an utopian exchange. Anja Meser, from Berlin, originally trained as a lawyer before embarking on an intensive training programme at the Tanzfabrik in her native Berlin. Since 2009, she has worked on several projects, including Come on Baby and Drop Dead, Gorgeous, both by Beatrice Fleischlin and her company Theater Konstellationen.


Concept and artistic direction fleischlin/meser

Performance Beatrice Fleischlin, Anja Meser

Sound design Martin Hofstetter

Sound design David Nicolas Abad

Dramaturgical advisor Boris Nikitin

Costumes Luzia Fleischlin

Stage design Timo Müller, Mario Suter, Timo Tresch

Production Luisa Grass

Diffusion Larissa Bizer

Photos Roberto Conciatori

Coproduction Südpol Luzern, Gessnerallee Zürich, Kaserne Basel 

Support Stadt Luzern/FUKA Fonds, Kanton Luzern, Kanton Luzern Werkbeitrag, Pro Helvetia - Schweizer Kulturstiftung, Migros-Kulturprozent, Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft der Stadt Luzern.

Booking contact Larissa Bizer, Basel,


Théâtre de l'Usine
Rue de la Coulouvrenière 11, 1204 Genève
Google Maps


2.2.2017, 20:00—21:10
Théâtre de l'Usine
4.2.2017, 19:00—20:10
Théâtre de l'Usine
3.3.2017, 22:00—23:10
Théâtre de l'Usine