

The new jury of the Swiss Dance Days 2026

The new jury of the Swiss Dance Days 2026

We can announce our new jury! The board of the Swiss Dance Days 2026 association - consisting of representatives of the Bernese partner institutions Bühnen Bern, Dampfzentrale, Schlachthaus Theatre, Tanzhaus Bern and Beta (Bernese Association of dance professionals) and Reso - has selected the jury. We are looking forward to working with:

- Pascale «Baba» Altenburger, dance teacher, street and club dance, performer, Berne

- Brandy Butler, contemporary arts performer, Zurich

- Léo Chavaz, co-programmer of Pavillon ADC, Geneva

- Lorenzo Conti, dance curator LAC Lugano & Milanoltre Festival

- Lisa Letnansky, head of dramaturgy, Tanzhaus Zurich

From now until summer 2025, it will judge pieces by Swiss choreographers and companies working in Switzerland and will thus be responsible for the artistic programme of this biennial platform for professional Swiss dance creation.


The Jury’s Selection Criteria

The jury considers the following criteria in making its selection :

• Topicality and high artistic quality of the pieces;

• Potential of the pieces for international dissemination;

• Aesthetic, generational and regional diversity.


Open Call

Interested dance companies resident in Switzerland are invited to submit tour dates for eligible pieces to the jury.

After the Swiss Dance Days successfully took place in Zurich in march 2024 we now announce the next edition of our biannual platform for professional dance in Switzerland: it is scheduled to take place in Berne from Feb. 11 to 15 2026. The Swiss Dance Days are jointly organized by Reso and its Bernese partner institutions, which are united in the Swiss Dance Days association 2026: Bühnen Bern, Dampfzentrale, Schlachthaus Theater, TANZhAUS Bern and BETA, the Bernese Association of Dance Professionals, which holds the chairmenship.


Call for Submissions

All dance comapnies and choreographers resident in Switzerland, or with their main focus of activity here, are invited to register their projects and tour dates. Dance pieces – also for young audience – that can be toured and have premiered or will premiere between August 1, 2023 and July 31, 2025 are eligible.

Selection criteria:

- Swiss artists or artists based in Switzerland ;
- Premiere between August 1, 2023 and July 31, 2025;
- The pieces can be viewed in full (live/video);
- the pieces are tourable.


Application process

Interested artists and companies can register at any time using this online form.

Once they have registered, they can enter their projects and tour dates via personalized links that will be sent to them by e-mail. The project documents and tour dates will be sent to the jury so that they can view the pieces in person or via video. We ask that only full-length videos of the pieces are sent, trailer videos will not be considered.