

Edition 2019

From 6 to 9 February 2019 in Lausanne, the 10th Swiss Dance Days had showcased the winning performances selected by the jury from over 150 entries. The programme offered a snapshot of the trends that are currently inspiring Swiss choreographers and dancers.


Vincent Baudriller Director of the Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
Anneli Binder Managing co-director and artistic director of the dance & performance programme, Dampfzentrale Bern
Patrick de Rham Director of Arsenic – Centre d'art scénique contemporain, Lausanne
Catja Loepfe Director of the Tanzhaus Zurich
Philippe Saire Choreographer and artistic director of Théâtre Sévelin 36, Lausanne
Stefano Tomassini Dance advisor at LIS/LAC Lugano and assistant professor at IUAV University, Venice
As the sole artist sitting on the jury, Philippe Saire will have the opportunity to present one of his own works during the Swiss Dance Days.


Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
Arsenic - Centre d'art scénique contemporain
Théâtre Sévelin 36
L'Octogone - Théâtre de Pully
La Manufacture - Haute école des arts de la scène

Final selection

Cie Gilles Jobin


Cie Gilles Jobin

Winner of the Grand Prix for Innovation and the Audience Award for Best Performance at the 49th Annual Festival of New Cinema in Montreal, «VR_I» is a 100% virtual piece in which the spectators are immersed in a totally virtual space. If the sets, environment and dancers are virtual, the movement itself is quite real, thanks to the technology of motion capture used to reconstitute the dance in all its fluidity. Passing through a larger than life desert the spectator will encounter dancers who at one moment appear 30 metres tall and then minuscule when they reappear later at their feet. Through this unique context the piece questions our perception of reality and our capacity to adapt to the world that surrounds us. How do we react when reality seems to demonstrate elements from a dream? A vertiginous and enthralling experience not to be missed!


Gilles Jobin is a dancer, choreographer and director. He received the Collide International Art Award from Cern in 2012 and the Swiss Dance Award Grand Prix in 2015. He founded his company in Geneva in 1995 and has since toured around the world. With «WOMB» (3D choreographic film, 2016) and «VR_I» he proposes a reflection upon new modes of articulating contemporary dance.

Founded in 2011, Artanim is a non-profit organization dedicated to the research and development of 3D medical imagery and virtual or augmented reality.


Accessible from on age 8


Choreography Gilles Jobin

Performance Susana Panadés Díaz, Victoria Chiu, Diya Naidu, Gilles Jobin, Tidiani N’Diaye

Assistant choreographer Susana Panadés Díaz

VR Platform & Immersive Technology Artanim

Costumes & Virtual Set Jean-Paul Lespagnard

Sound Environment Carla Scaletti/Symbolic Sound

Production manager Camilo De Martino

3D scans & Motion capture Artanim

3D artist Tristan Siodlak

3D editor Camilo De Martino

Technical artist Rémy Maetz

Technical manager Hugo Cahn

Technicians on tour Hugo Cahn, Camilo de Martino

Administration Gonzague Bochud

Production Cie Gilles Jobin

Coproduction Arsenic
– Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne

Support City of Geneva, Canton of Geneva, Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council, Loterie Romande, Fondation Meyrinoise du Casino, Fonds mécénat SIG


Arsenic Labo
Rue de Genève 57, 1004 Lausanne
Google Maps


6.2.2019, 15:00—21:40
Arsenic Labo
7.2.2019, 13:20—20:00
Arsenic Labo
8.2.2019, 13:20—20:00
Arsenic Labo
9.2.2019, 15:00—21:40
Arsenic Labo